We aren't like other group fitness studios

Our practices focus on building strong movement foundations and building resilience in the body. Working on mobility and strengthening connective tissues, that maximize movement potential.  We keep our fitness classes small (capping each class at 12) so that each client can get the hands-on attention needed to learn quality movements that will get them to their own unique movement goals faster and more efficiently. 

From beginners to experienced athletes our classes can be scaled to meet you where you are. We’ll have you moving better, feeling better, and seeing quickly just how much your body is truly capable of!

Group Movement / Fitness

  • man pushing weight stack in fitness studio conestogo

    Embodied Strength

    This class will embody all of the core principals from both my upper body and lower body strength classes.

    Full body movement + Breathwork all in 60 minutes!

  • fit women rowing during fitness class

    Primal Flow

    Primal movements, Calisthenics, Qi Gong, balancing, mobility work, Functional Range Conditioning, & Breathwork all done on your OWN mat, in a dynamic flow style practice.

  • a group doing a gymstick workout group fitness class in conestogo, on

    Gymstick Fundamentals

    This is a great foundational class for beginner movers, or those of you looking for a gentle strength practice to begin working on muscle imbalances and building muscular strength + endurance while at the same time increasing stabilization and core strength. This practice is done using a tool called a GymStick.

Yoga Classes

You may have some questions

Still have questions? Connect with us or check out more Q&A here.

  • We ask all participants to bring their own personal Yoga mat, but we do always have extras here if you forget!

  • We’ve gotchu! Straps, blocks, bolsters, eye pillows, and blankets are all provided by the studio.

  • ABSOLUTELY- All of our group movement and yoga classes cater to every experience level… and our teachers work to meet you where you're at. Our goal is to work through roadblocks that have previously stopped you from growing your movement practice in the past, and work towards total movement freedom for ALL of our clients, so that they can continue doing the things they love without ANYTHING holding them back.


    We keep our Group Fitness classes small, so that we are able to engage with every one of our members throughout the practice, and so that no one feels left behind.


    Yoga classes cap at 12 so that we can comfortably space out our mats, and so that everyone is able to clearly see our teachers, and observe their cues.


    Most of our workshops cap at 20.

  • Conestogo has street parking up and down both sides of Sawmill road, but we do not currently have any private parking spaces.

  • We have 2 washrooms + 1 shower, as well as both a Men's and Women's change rooms.

  • Our practices focus on building strong movement foundations, working on mobility and strengthening connective tissues, and building strength from the ground up.

    We cap our fitness classes at 12, so that each client can get the attention needed to learn quality movements that will get them to their own unique movement goals faster and more efficiently.

We understand so much can get in the way of starting a new movement practice

Pain, injury, stress, busy lifestyle - we are here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way. We truly believe that movement is medicine for the body. Injuries do not heal without movement, pain is very much caused by a LACK of movement, as is stress and overwhelm.

We are built to move. Period. Our coaches and teachers are deeply knowledgeable and are here ready to work beside you.

All you have to do is take the first step toward yourself, and know that you are in good hands.