a safe + welcoming space for all

Are you ready to gain back your movement freedom?

To connect deeper to yourself, and your purpose, and to join in on our community of warriors that are on the same path, and ready to jump in alongside you? Then let's do this!

Shawnna, Studio Owner Ascent Strength + Embodiment

how it began

It’s time to start moving + breathing with purpose

I’ve been where you are! My own movement freedom was taken away by injury, living with chronic pain, and being completely out of alignment.

I am sure that we have all been in this place at some point throughout our lives, and I believe that what we just went through together over the past couple of years only showed us more clearly, those places that needed attention and healing. I think that it’s time to start looking at things from a new perspective.

Let's start moving differently, breathing differently - with purpose, with intent to heal, and grow. Let’s get to know ourselves, and start understanding our purpose here. Let's start truly living and embracing all aspects of this crazy thing that we call the human experience. 

Our team is with you, beside you, growing with every step you take. Thank you for your courage in taking this step towards yourself. This is how we create the change we want to see in this world, by first focusing inward on our own growth and healing, and then sharing our authentic expression of self with the rest of the world. 

Thank you for being here with me. 

Entrance of Ascent Strenght + Embodiment in Conestogo, ON

What Moves Us


    Life is a balance between what we can control, and what we cannot and learning to live somewhere in between effort and surrender.


    Our need for connection and community has never been more apparent.

    As a collective, we are struggling immensely. I believe that we have to come back to this knowing that not only are we connected to one another, but to everything that makes up this beautiful place we call home.


    Finding purpose, tapping in to find what truly lights us up, what we are truly being called to do. Taking off the masks, peeling back the layers to expose our true nature.


    Encompassing all aspects of what it means to be human. The peaks and the valleys, the raw vulnerability it takes to walk this path and embrace every aspect of our being.

Shawnna, owner of Ascent Strength + Embodiment

I’m Shawnna, owner + trainer at Ascent

+ FRCms- Functional Range Conditioning Movement Specialist 

+ NASM Certified Personal Trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine)

+ Speed Agility Quickness Coach

I have been deeply involved in fitness my entire life. Growing up as a high-level athlete, movement has always been my passion. Since I can remember, I have had a deep love and curiosity for movement, and for understanding and pushing the capacities of the human body.

I became a certified coach in 2010, and at the time focused on athlete training, and sports-specific training, as opposed to the style of movement that I am so passionate about today.

personal trainer doing handstand against the wall at fitness studio

As I continued taking courses and deepening my knowledge of human movement, I became fascinated with the concept from an entirely new perspective. It started to become clear to me that overall, our society was struggling deeply with our health and quality of life.

Chronic pain and illness climbing to epidemic levels. It became clear to me as I went through the writings and teachings of people in the industry already making this important shift,  that we need to start looking at our approach from a new perspective.

I started to delve into other forms of movement, and healing modalities. I found Breathwork, and meditative movement practices. I started to study natural movement, and the disconnect between the ways that our bodies were MEANT to move, and the ways in which we move them today. It all started to make sense to me.

We had lost our connection to SELF. We had lost our purpose for why we do the things we do. We had lost our GRITT, our RESILIENCE as humans, and to get better, we needed to find a new way. 

woman performing jump squat at fitness studio conestogo

So that is where I am today. Continuing to learn and understand movement and what it means to be human from a NEW perspective. I am excited to share with you what I have learned and to continue to learn and grow beside you.

Thank you for joining me, and trusting me as your guide